
Pitch Training

Sometimes you get one chance: You meet someone who might give you the perfect job, buy your product or make a deal with you. You have one or two minutes to get their attention and get the deal done. How do you win?

You have to give the perfect elevator pitch. In our training we help you create the perfect elevator pitch: How to structure your pitch, how to choose the right arguments and how to deliver your elevator pitch so that you get the deal done.

See the full video now and learn to give a perfect pitch!

Bonus: Get for free our digital book
 5 free lessons to give a great presentation

Pitch Training

A one day training focussed on delivering a short, simple and convincing pitch. Great for people who have to sell themselves or something. But also for peoole who want to appear more confindent.

We follow  step by step method to construct the best pitch in all of Kampala, Uganda and East-Africa. It is very suited for beginners.


  • the 3 ingredients of a good pitch
  • How to appear confident
  • The structure of a good speech
  • how to choose the best arguments


  • build your own perfect pitch
  • pitch competition

1 day

max 12 per trainer

all levels (beginner or advanced)

people who need to sell something or themselves

join our 2 day training course in July

click here for dates & rates

No boring classes or lectures, our trainings are:

  • Small groups
  • practical: Easy to use techniques focused on practical use
  • Complete: we train what to say, how to say it and how to prepare
  • Personal: tailored to your needs and talents
  • fun to do 
  • Direct and concrete feedback from expierenced trainers.
  • Including materials, pens and notepad

Want to join or want more information?
- Call/whatsapp +256 702522217 or  +256 774189237
- Or send us a message: yovino@speakcollective.com